How Good Friday is Celebrated? Significance and Wishes

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Easter Sunday is right nearly the corner, but there’s a different holiday right before Easter that’s internationally known and praised all across the world as “Good Friday”.

Good Friday

Good Friday signifies the time when Jesus Christ was hung on the cross, and it’s a great day for Christians as they celebrate the Jesus Crucifixion.

While Easter receives the most excellent attention from kids (they like Easter bunny and eggs and everything connected with it), they must learn about Good Friday.

History of Good Friday

On Good Friday, Christians worldwide honour Jesus’ pains and death, as he dedicated his life for everyone and rescued people from their sins.

As stated in Bible, it was on this day when Jesus was hung for being the child of God and King of the Jews, a case that leader of time Pontius Pilate saw as guilty.

Why Is Good Friday Called Good Friday?

The story following Good Friday is not celebrating, then how is it named Good Friday? It’s because the story doesn’t finish with Christ’s suffering.

Christ rose from the dead three days later, triumphing over death; this day is praised as Resurrection/Easter Sunday. Easter is the carnival that honours the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.

Good Friday is known as ‘good’ because, despite the pains and death of Jesus, people were released from their sins. With the tribute and resurrection of Christ got the hope of everlasting mercy.

When Is Good Friday Celebrated?

On the Friday before Easter Sunday, people celebrate Good Friday. In 2022, people will celebrate good Friday on April 15.

How Is Good Friday Celebrated?

How Is Good Friday Celebrated

Christians around the world celebrate Good Friday by visiting special church ceremonies. Christians believe this day as a day of reflection – to recall the sacrifice made by Him.

In many churches, the ceremonies continue for three hours, which is the amount of time Jesus passed on the cross.

It’s a day of sorrow; in many churches, people worship the Cross on Good Friday. It signifies they kneel or bow before the cross and kiss it. Good Friday church functions also involve reading the ‘Passion’, the story of Jesus’ end.

In Spain and many other nations, people who feel sorry for their mistakes walk over the streets in large robes with hoods, taking a giant cross created of wood.

In Belgium and Mexico, people decorate churches in black in remembrance of Jesus’ on the cross. People of Bermuda celebrate this day by flying handcrafted kites. Kites here signify the cross that Jesus died on.

Processions are also a piece of Good Friday festivals in many countries such as the Philippines, Italy, and Spain. Many Christians throughout the earth spend this day praying and fasting.

Best Good Friday Wishes

  • May the hope you have in God delivers eternal peace and joy to your soul. Have a Good Friday with your family.
  • Humanity, love and peace. May the mercy and Lord eye be with you on Good Friday.
  • Have a lovely Good Friday! May God transform this Good Friday into a pleasant beginning of your life. May God fulfil your life with purity on this holy day.
  • Wishing you all a glorious and blessed good Friday with the faith that God’s eternal love will continue uninterrupted for you. Make the greatest of this Good Friday with prayers and family.
  • Jesus showed all in silence because he acquired us in him. I believe we can deliver the same to him.
  • He crucified, suffered, and died, showing his love for us. Nothing can defeat his offering for humankind. I believe we can deliver the faith he deserves. Good Friday.
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