How to check for Botulism in Canned food?

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This is a short guide on how to check for Botulism in Canned Food.

Food producers must submit their products to stringent food inspection programs to verify that food is safe to ingest. Botulism is an uncommon disease that is commonly obtained as a result of consuming canned food. If you eat contaminated food with Clostridium botulinum you may develop symptoms such as blurred vision, dry mouth, and even problems speaking.

If your diet contains a big number of canned foods or if you tend to utilize canning as a DIY food preservation system, then you may benefit from learning how to detect food tainted with botulism.

In this article, we explain how to tell if canned food has botulism.

How to check for Botulism in Canned food? Step 1

How to check for Botulism in Canned food 1

Botulism is a rare disease with a very low mortality rate, so you need not be afraid to eat canned foods. Before we get into the warning signs of botulism in food, we want to emphasize that. Before attempting to can food on your own, we recommend that you gather as much knowledge and advice as possible from reputable sources

How to check for Botulism in Canned food? Step 2

If you suspect canned food has botulism, look for bruising or cuts on the can before eating it. Sometimes food has to travel long distances to get to the shop and it is possible that during the transportation process it may have become damaged exposing the contents of the food to hazardous bacteria. Inspect for any leakages, dents or lids that bulge up and down.

How to check for Botulism in Canned food? Step 3

How to check for Botulism in Canned food 3

Secondly, read the label on the can for any signs that it may not be best to consume. If, after purchasing a chilled product, you find that it is warm or even hot to the touch, this indicates that the product has been improperly handled. Generally, food should be stored at low temperatures in order to stop germs from multiplying.

How to check for Botulism in Canned food? Step 4

If you believe your canned food has passed these first steps, then it is time to open the can. Slowly inhale to check for any air bubbles or off-putting aromas that may be emanating from the can. If it hisses it isn’t a good sign. At high oxygen levels, bacteria multiply extremely quickly, as do bacteria in foods with high liquid content.

How to check for Botulism in Canned food? Step 5

Finally, remove the contents out of the can and take a look at the texture and feel. If you’ve previously purchased this item, take note if anything has changed. Don’t leave any food in the can. Transfer the contents to another container and keep it there instead. While you may be tempted to taste the food, it is crucial that you follow all these measures and when in doubt reject the food to avoid food poisoning.

How to check for Botulism in Canned food? Step 6

How to check for Botulism in Canned food 5

If you’re unsure whether your home-canned food is safe to consume, boil the can for at least 10 minutes before opening it. You may do it securely for up to 20 minutes for foods such as maize or spinach. Canning is a straightforward but sophisticated method of preserving food, and it should only be attempted after consulting a recipe.

This page is only informative, does not have the power to provide any medical treatments or produce a diagnosis. We invite you to consult your doctor if you have any form of disease or pain.

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