How to tell your parents you’re gay?

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This is our approach on How to tell your parents you’re gay.

When you tell your Indian parents that you are gay, you need to be sure that you are strong enough to deal with any reactions they might have. You also need to make sure that the ground is ready.

You can’t just say that you’re gay to your Indian parents. It’s not that simple to do that. An Indian parent could have a hard time hearing that you don’t believe in religion or don’t want to go to college. There are a lot of young Indian people who are open about being gay, but when it comes to the older generation, it’s a little more difficult. 

A progressive Indian family might not be able to accept that their son or daughter is gay. One reason is that Indian society is very family-oriented, and parents expect their kids to get married and have kids. This is why. So, when you’re trying to come out to Indian parents, think about their point of view and wait for them to accept you. 

How to tell your parents you’re gay? Right Time

How to tell your parents you're gay

When is the best time for you to come out? Are you financially stable? There is a lot of stress in their lives right now. It can be important to choose the right time to make the news easier to understand. You will be able to rent a place and live on your own if they want you to. This is a very important thing to think about before you tell your Indian parents that you are gay.

Parents should be in the best mood and not having problems with money or family or health so that they can look at the situation in a clear way and not think about other things they have.

When you think about the right time, don’t be selfish. Siblings who are getting married soon should wait until they are settled before coming out to Indian parents, just in case the in-laws aren’t so willing to accept the fact that you are coming out. Try not to hurt as many people as possible.

While you are waiting to tell your Indian parents that you are gay, if they ask you to get married, say that you want to work on your studies or your career right now.

How to tell your parents you’re gay? Siblings

When you talk to your siblings, be sure to say that younger people are usually more understanding and tolerant. Why don’t you tell your siblings that you are gay before telling your Indian parents that you are gay? If they back you, they can help your parents get ready for you before and after you leave. It will be important for your parents to hear what your siblings have to say because they will have a different point of view.

Prepare for how your family will react right away. It could be that they are very progressive and everything will be fine. Besides, they might cry, scream, or not know what it means. This is more likely. As a parent, you need to make sure you don’t give your child any hope at all that he or she will change his or her mind. Tell them you are gay, have always been, and always will be so they can deal with the truth. You should be ready to answer a lot of questions, but again, keep calm and be reassuring.

How to tell your parents you’re gay? Reactions

It’s possible for Indian parents to be angry when they find out that their son or daughter is gay. You may have to explain to them that you were born gay, are proud of it, and will always be that way. They may also want to see a doctor to “fix” you. Make sure you aren’t giving people the wrong idea. Another bad thing they might do is want you to leave. You can tell them, either in person or by letter, that you love them and that you’re sad that they don’t love you. Say you will be there when they change their minds.

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