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How to check for Botulism in Canned food?
Food producers must submit their products to stringent food inspection programs to verify that food is safe to ingest. Botulism is an uncommon disease that is commonly obtained as a result of…
How to make your kids exercise at home
These 10 kids exercises are easy enough to be done at home every day. They will help children burn lose fat, calories, get stronger and get in shape which in turn will help with sleeping better and just being in a better mood.
How to protect your child from Coronavirus
As a parent, you want to do everything to protect your child From Coronavirus. The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has brought with it new challenges for families across the globe.
How to teach Common 10 baby signs to your baby
Your baby is extremely important to help develop cognitive and language abilities, typically babies develop their receptive language (baby signs) or their understanding skills far before they are able to use verbal speech to communicate…
How to make your toddler eat
you have to take care of the fact that whatever you are preparing corresponds to a balanced diet. Protein, vitamins, fat, and carbohydrates are essential during the kid’s developmental stage, and so they should be balanced in every dish.…
How to check milk purity at home with simple steps and harmful effects of contaminated milk
Check milk purity at home:: Packed milk from reputed brands also as purchased from milk vendors could also be adulterated thus it’s necessary to check the quality of the milk before consuming. There are various ways available to test milk…
How Television is Impacting Children’s life
Television builds character and personality and even has the power to change attitudes and perspectives towards life. Taking extra care will ensure that your child enjoys TV shows without being exposed to the ill effects of watching TV.
How to Breastfeed safely during the COVID-19 pandemic
If you are a mother or expecting, it's natural to think questions on what's safest for your baby during the pandemic of COVID-19 and how to breastfeed then safely.